Monday, March 3, 2014

Cynthia Bailey calls Nene out!!!

Nene Leakes reputation has been damaged because of her actions on this season’s Real Housewives of Atlanta. Nene recently went in on Cynthias’s husband Peter Thomas. She basically called him a b*tch for getting into women’s business. Many people are agreeing that Peter often has his nose where it doesn’t belong. Cynthia isn’t having it; she recently wrote in her Bravo TV Blog, that she was offended and embarrassed that Nene called Peter a b*tch for speaking the truth.

I was a little upset with Peter the next morning (after Kenya’s event) for confronting NeNe (although she actually confronted him), because I did not think it was the right time to talk. The night had already taken a turn for the worst, and I didn’t see the point in trying to fix something that was already broken. Had NeNe not gotten out of her car, walked over to Peter, and initiated the conversation with Peter, there would not have been a reason for him to be in her face acting like a bitch, right? It was pretty clear that his conversation was directed to me. So I don’t know who the monster was that was waiting at the top of the hill, because the only thing that Peter was waiting for was his car to leave.
I am beyond offended and embarrassed that one of my closest and most loyal friends called my husband a bitch for speaking the truth. Not only is it blatant disrespect, it’s also dirty. It crosses the line, and hits way below the belt. A little surprising coming from someone who prides themselves on being such a GOOD FRIEND and the authority on who is not one.

Well this should be interesting when all the folery comes out on this reunion. Do you think Nene was wrong for calling Peter a BITCH??

Fly GossipGuy

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