Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Waka Flocka will be on Love & HipHop Atlanta

Chile Waka Flocka did all that talk that he was not going to be on Love & Hip Hop Atlanta but now he is saying in a interview that he is going to be on. Chile you don't have to lie to kick it with us.
This is from a Interview he did on KYSDC TV.

"What about the rumors of Mona Scott trying to get you on Love and Hip Hop ATL?
Yea I’m on it. My fiancée Tammy Riveria, she on it, so you know I’m backing her up 110%. She like baby you gotta do it, I’m on there…but I’m not doing it by myself.
You’re not worried? Because you know how they say reality tv can mess things up?
They know not to play with me. I’d go sit behind that metal for mines. But its not even about that. To me, a person can’t do nothing you don’t let them. Like if you said it out your mouth, you meant it. Nobody can make you say nothing. The cameras cant make me say nothing I don’t mean so I’m not worried about it. I don’t play with nobody. I’m a stand up person. I’m super loyal.
Did you ever think you would be getting married?
Hell Naw! I’m like, I’m a scumbag. Nobody want me man but it’s like, you don’t know what you want until it walk in your face. You don’t know your taste until you get that smell. You know, that food ain’t good until you smell it. You like damn, I need to try that. I guess it always takes one person to change your opinion and your mind on things and I met my one person."

Well we will give it a try to see if he ie worthy of looking at tv.

Fly GossipGuy

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