I hope you have your seatbelts buckled, because the last episode of Love & Hip Hop was a total rollercoaster. Before I spill tea all over the place I just have to say that this show have changed direction and it has became the Rasheeda and Kirk show. Their story line has really got deep and they have scored them another spot on next season with all the drama they have brought into their family. Now on to the Ratchetness of the south.
So Rasheeda travels to talk to hard talking Mimi with her non factor self about what Kirk has done. Rasheeda girl Mimi is not the one to talk too, she can't even get her foolish threesome relationship together between Steevie J and Jocelyn. Ok on the subject at hand, why is it that they can't furniture in those bare apartments that they claim to stay in. When K.Michelle and Rasheeda got into early in the season the apartment looked as if someone lived there, But now it looks like she is moving out. So Rasheeda just don't understand that she really need to leave Kirk punk ass along and just try to get some child support that is left from his non working ass.
Now I am going to try to keep this light but this is a subject that needs to be touched on. Mama Dee needs to find a new hairstylist. Because those wigs on top of wigs is not doing her any justice along with her falling kingdom. The way that she goes in on Erica is too funny to me, its clear that they really don't like each other but the way they dog each other out is a plum Pickle! Erica you really can't say you don't want your daughter around Mama Dee, because your mother Mignon with those five braids in her head is not any better. I mean Mama Dee was a drug dealing Pimp and Mignon is a crackhead that helped Mama Dee stay on top. I need for all of you with that disfunctional family to just get along. Scrappy needs to check hisself into a rehab and get his life together just for his daughter.

Drew and Traci really need to stop playing around and just get back together. When Drew is with a chick Traci has a problem with it and when Traci is with a dude Drew has a problem. This just shows that they still have feeling for each other, Traci might say that she does not, but she really does and they both need to get counseling before they ruin lil drew's life with the way that they fight. Now Traci let me just get on your nerves. When you start dating a new person, why is it so hard for you google them to make sure you don't have a fool on your hands. Girl you need to get it together and quit looking like a fool.
Steevie J needs to get a Emmy Award for all the acting that he does on this reality show. He is acting like he loves Jocelyn but he don't want to get married to her. If he knows like I know he better not marry her, because if he gets his act together that hard talking MiMi will marry his
I have talked about this once before and I am glad that Ariane Has came all the way out and said that she loves women. I told you all back when K.Michelle and her was fighting that they had slept together that's why she had so much to say about the dudes that K. Michelle was talking too. You see that K.Michelle came clean too when she said she likes women on holidays. Then they sit up there and have that conversation in between that Drag Queen MiMi. Well I am glad that they have said that maybe Ariane will get a larger roll next season with her trying to find love and working on her so call music career. See there is always a underlying plot in these Reality Shows and who they let on them.
You know I really don't even feel like talking about Karli Redd and her non-existent music career, I mean is she a rapper or a vocalist? In my eyes she is neither. I am with Jocelyn when it comes to her. Karli needs to sit her old bad shape butt down.
Now to close all this out, Rasheeda's mom is a straight up gangsta from running over Kirk's bike. I know she hates Kirk now but dang you didn't have to run over that man's property. Then the way it caught on fire was a hot mess. She went all the way in on that bike. Little do she know her daughter will have to pay for that bike.
By the way Kirk is still upset about his bike. Here is a Picture he just posted.
Well you can see the SHADE is all the way REAL in Atlanta.
FlyGossip Guy